
northland in southeast asia

Southeast Asia has undergone a tremendous shift in pharmaceutical dynamics in the last two decades.  Two factors have greatly influenced pharmaceutical trends in this region of the globe: the region’s steady rise in economic power, approaching first world economies, and the implementation of aggressive state sponsored and private health insurance.  Though the regions need for basic antibiotics is on par with Latin America, the implementation of health insurance along with increased disposable income has created a demand for quality pharmaceutical that has rapidly outpaced regional supply.

As economic prosperity increases, chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes has increased in prevalence at a pace greater that regional supply capacity.  Metformin, Glyburide, Lisinopril, Amlodipine, Telmisartan demands have increased three-fold in only the last decade. In the more tropical and rural areas, antimalarial (Artemether), anthelmintic (Albendazole) and GI tract (Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole) medications are still greatly needed as the public health infrastructure is not sufficient to combat these common infectious diseases.  The World Health Organization has identified Southeast Asia as a crisis region in the battle against Tuberculosis (Isoniazid). Greater than one-third of the global prevalence of Tuberculosis can be isolated to this region.

Northland Bioscience, via its subsidiaries NBS Pharmaceuticals and NBS Medical, possesses the necessary production capacity and supply chain forecasting to provide a continuous supply of medications to the region. We work closely with local healthcare agencies to accurately assess product needs of a region; adjusting our manufacturing to help fill anticipated demand of specific products. Our highly trained staff not only monitor production quality but also work closely with the local communities to educate on proper storage, distribution, and administration of our products.